About Us
Established in 2022, we are a new shop ready to help you with all your firearms needs.
When I started this business, I wanted to do something different. I wanted to offer more to my local customers than just a place to buy guns. What I offer is more of a one-on-one experience, not just for the seasoned gun owner, but especially for the newbie's. Some people are just not comfortable going into a store and asking a lot of questions about firearms. They're intimidated or embarrassed or just nervous about the whole experience. So what I offer is a little different. We'll talk about what you're interested in, what you've seen, I'll show you samples, I'll answer your questions or get you the answers if I can't. Most importantly, I'll make sure you will feel comfortable with your purchase, even if it requires showing you how to field strip your weapon, hold your weapon, aim it properly, load it, whatever the case may be.
We do not allow any loaded weapons or ammunition on the premise at any time. All ATF rules and regulations will be adhered to according to PA State Law.
Message us for more information about any of our services today!​